Sepsis Epidemiology in Australian and New Zealand ChildrenÂ
Multi-centre, prospective observational study to investigate the prevalence, management, and outcomes of children with sepsis.
Setting and Target:
- 11 PREDICT sites in Australia and New Zealand (same sites as enrolling for PROMPT Bolus).
- Inclusion criteria: Age <18 years, requiring hospital admission for treatment with IV/IM/IO antibiotics and circulatory support (IV fluid bolus or inotrope) OR admission diagnosis of sepsis OR admission to ICU for treatment of severe infection.
- Exclusion criteria: Patients transferred from another hospital in >24hours since initial presentation, patients transferred from another hospital ward to ED, patients presenting with trauma who receive antibiotics for prophylaxis or circulatory support for blood loss.
Ethics and consent:
Ethics approval for verbal consent for 90-day follow-up (text, email, or phone); enrol patient when meeting inclusion criteria. Consent by enrolling clinician or within 24 hours by research team.
Current status:
Enrolling at 8/11 PREDICT sites, 1001 patient enrolled to date. Variability in hospital’s ability to screen for missed enrolments (easier if electronic medical record). Site visits commenced (as for PROMPT Bolus), with excellent data entry at all sites visited so far. Data queries primarily for missing data at this stage. Site reports / quality reports to begin in the next month.