New membership application process
Who can apply?
- Membership is open to anyone in Australia or New Zealand, from any craft group (all disciplines welcome), who is interested in paediatric emergency medicine.
- PREDICT Member Institutions are listed on the “About Us” page.
- Membership is FREE and will be valid for 2 years until October 2025.
- A membership list will be maintained by the executive committee and updated each two years. All members are required to confirm their membership record at this time or they will be dropped from the list.
What does PREDICT membership provide?
- Members can express interest and potentially participate in a range of multi-centre research projects in Australia and New Zealand’s only emergency research network. Please see our website for more information about PREDICT research and publications at:
- Members can submit their own research project to the PREDICT Executive with view to carrying out the research within the network. (See our New Projects information review process.)
- The network facilitates the professional development of members through providing opportunities for higher degrees, provision of post-doctoral mentoring, funding research training and facilitating collaboration with global paediatric emergency medicine networks.
- Access to educational courses relevant to the conduct of research. Education sessions for 2024 can be seen here. Schedule for 2025 TBC.
- Members will be informed about PREDICT activities via the monthly newsletter and this website. You will be invited to participate in the annual members meeting held in the second half of each year.
- Members must agree to abide by the PREDICT regulations on Code of Ethical Behaviour for Multicentre Clinical Trials, Requirements for PREDICT Endorsed Projects and the Guidelines for Authorship and Publications (all available on the PREDICT website at They must also comply with all federal, state, local and institutional regulations regarding the performance of research.
- Members may be invited to participate in PREDICT endorsed surveys from time to time when these are approved as PREDICT research projects.
- Members are eligible for positions on the PREDICT executive, and are able to vote in the election of these positions.
Associate Membership is open to:
- Funders, or employees of funding agents, of PREDICT research in Australia and New Zealand.
- Any physician, nurse, paramedic or researcher involved in the delivery or research of emergency care for children and adolescents, outside of Australia and New Zealand.
- Members of the public residing in Australia and New Zealand interested in emergency care of children and adolescents in Australia and New Zealand.
- Associate members receive all PREDICT communications (via email and newsletter) and will be invited to our meetings but will be precluded from voting and or being sponsored to attend events.
What do I need to do?
- Please email the Research Network Co-ordinator at with your request to become a member.
A link to our membership form will be emailed for you to complete, it takes around 3 minutes. - You will be asked to complete a membership form.
- Once the form is submitted, you will receive an automated email confirming receipt.
- Your application is subject to approval by the PREDICT executive. Confirmation of your membership will be provided by email.