< 2009
2009 (and previous) Publications (peer reviewed publications)
Theophilos T., Magyar J., and Babl F. E., ‘Debriefing Critical Incidents in the Paediatric Emergency Department: Current Practice and Perceived Needs in Australia and New Zealand’, Emerg Med Australas, (2009) 21 (6), 479-83. link
Lewena S., Pennington V., Acworth J., Thornton S., Ngo P., McIntyre S., Krieser D., Neutze J., and Speldewinde D., ‘Emergency Management of Pediatric Convulsive Status Epilepticus: A Multicenter Study of 542 Patients’, Pediatr Emerg Care, (2009) 25 (2), 83-7. link
Babl FE, Sheriff N, Borland M, Acworth J, Neutze J, Krieser D, Ngo P, Schutz J, Thomson F, Cotterell E, Jamison S, Francis P. Emergency management of paediatric status epilepticus in Australia and New Zealand: practice patterns in the context of clinical practice guidelines. J Paediatr Child Health. 2009 Sep;45(9):541-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1754.2009.01536.x. Epub 2009 Jul 20. PMID: 19686314. [link].
Herd D. W., Babl F. E., Gilhotra Y., and Huckson S., ‘Pain Management Practices in Paediatric Emergency Departments in Australia and New Zealand: A Clinical and Organizational Audit by National Health and Medical Research Council’s National Institute of Clinical Studies and Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative’, Emerg Med Australas, (2009) 21 (3), 210-21. link
Dalton S., and Babl F. E., ‘Paediatric Emergency Guidelines: Could One Size Fit All?’, Emerg Med Australas, (2009) 21 (1), 67-70. link
Borland M., Esson A., Babl F., and Krieser D., ‘Procedural Sedation in Children in the Emergency Department: A Predict Study’, Emerg Med Australas, (2009) 21 (1), 71-9. link
Babl F. E., Sheriff N., Borland M., Acworth J., Neutze J., Krieser D., Ngo P., Schutz J., Thomson F., Cotterell E., Jamison S., and Francis P., ‘Emergency Management of Paediatric Status Epilepticus in Australia and New Zealand: Practice Patterns in the Context of Clinical Practice Guidelines’, J Paediatr Child Health, (2009) 45 (9), 541-6. link
Acworth J, Babl F, Borland M, Ngo P, Krieser D, Schutz J, Pitt R, Cotterell E, Jamison S, Neutze J, and Lee M, ‘Patterns of Presentation to the Australian and New Zealand Paediatric Emergency Research Network’, Emergency Medicine Australasia, (2009) 21 (1), 59-66. link
Schutz J., Babl F. E., Sheriff N., and Borland M., ‘Emergency Department Management of Gastro-Enteritis in Australia and New Zealand’, J Paediatr Child Health, (2008) 44 (10), 560-3. link
Borland M. L., Babl F. E., Sheriff N., and Esson A. D., ‘Croup Management in Australia and New Zealand: A Predict Study of Physician Practice and Clinical Practice Guidelines’, Pediatr Emerg Care, (2008) 24 (7), 452-6. link
Babl F. E., Sheriff N., Neutze J., Borland M., and Oakley E., ‘Bronchiolitis Management in Pediatric Emergency Departments in Australia and New Zealand: A Predict Study’, Pediatr Emerg Care, (2008) 24 (10), 656-8. link
Babl F. E., Sheriff N., Borland M., Acworth J., Neutze J., Krieser D., Ngo P., Schutz J., Thomson F., Cotterell E., Jamison S., and Francis P., ‘Paediatric Acute Asthma Management in Australia and New Zealand: Practice Patterns in the Context of Clinical Practice Guidelines’, Archives of Disease in Childhood, (2008) 93 (4), 307-12. link
Babl F., Borland M., Ngo P., Acworth J., Krieser D., Pandit S., Pitt W. R., Cotterell E., and Jamison S., ‘Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative (Predict): First Steps Towards the Development of an Australian and New Zealand Research Network’, Emerg Med Australas, (2006) 18 (2), 143-7. link
Babl F. E., Borland M., Ngo P. K., Acworth J., Krieser D., Pandit S., Pitt W. R., Cotterell E., and Jamison S., ‘Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative (Predict)’, J Paediatr Child Health, (2005) 41 (11), 614-5. link
2009 (and previous) Presentations (conference proceedings, posters, published abstracts)
Spillane I. M., Krieser D., Babl F., and Heinrich L., ‘Diagnostic Coding for Paediatric Patients: Practice in Three Emergency Departments’, RACP Annual Scientific Meeting Adelaide, J Paed Child Health (2008), 44 (A15),
Schutz J., Sheriff N., and Babl F., ‘Emergency Department Management of Gastroenteritis in Australia and New Zealand: A Predict Study’, RACP Annual Scientific Meeting Adelaide, J Paed Child Health (2008), 44 (A20),
Herd D. W., Babl F., Gilhotra Y., and Huckson S., ‘Pain Management Practices in Paediatric Emergency Departments in Australia and New Zealand: A Retrospective Audit by Nhmrc/Nics and Predict’, RACP Annual Scientific Meeting Adelaide, J Paed Child Health (2008), 44 (A17),
Herd D. W., Babl F., Gilhotra Y., and Huckson S, ‘Pain Management Practices in Paediatric Emergency Departments in Australia and New Zealand: A Retrospective Audit by Nhmrc/Nics and Predict’, 7th Biennial International Forum on Pediatric Pain, 2008, Nova Scotia
Herd D, Babl F, Gilhotra Y., Huckson S., and group PREDICT, ‘Pain Management Guidelines in Paediatric Emergency Departments in Australia and New Zealand: An Organisational Audit by Nhmrc/Nics and Predict’, ACEM Annual Meeting, Gold Coast, Emerg Med Austral (2008), 20 (A26),
Dalton S., Babl F., and Krieser D., ‘Paediatric Emergency Guidelines: Could One Size Fit All: A Predict Study’, RACP Annual Scientific Meeting Adelaide, J Paed Child Health (2008), 44 (A22),
Spillane I. M., Krieser D., Babl F., and Heinrich L., ‘The Quality of Emergency Department Coding for Research Purposes’, ACEM Annual Meeting Gold Coast, Emerg Med Austral (2007), 20
Sheriff N., Babl F., Borland M., and al. et., ‘Paediatric Asthma Management and Guidelines at Major Emergency Departments in Australia and New Zealand: A Predict Study’, ACEM Annual Meeting Sydney, EMA – Emergency Medicine Australasia (2007), 19 (A19),
Schutz J., Sheriff N., Babl F., and al. et., ‘The Management of Gastroenteritis in Australia and New Zealand: A Predict Study of Physician Practice’, ACEM Annual Meeting Gold Coast, Emerg Med Austral (2007), 20 (A10),
Neutze J., Sheriff N., Babl F., and al. et., ‘Management of Bronchiolitis in Australia and New Zealand: A Predict Study’, Royal Australasian College of Physicians Annual Meeting 2007 Melbourne, J Paed Child Health (2007), 43 (A7),
Dalton S., and Babl F., ‘Paediatric Emergency Guidelines: Could One Size Fit All: A Predict Study’, ACEM Annual Meeting Gold Coast, Emerg Med Austral (2007), 20 (A 10),
Acworth J., Babl F., and al. et., ‘Patterns of Paediatric Presentations to Major Emergency Departments in Australia and New Zealand: A Predict Study’, ACEM Annual Meeting, Sydney, Emerg Med Australas (2007), 19 (A35),
Cotterell E., Acworth J., Babl F., and al. et., ‘Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative (Predict)’, ACEM Annual Meeting Melbourne, Emergency Medicine (2006), 18 (A31),