Project Snapshot – Co-designing discharge communication strategies for paediatric minor head injuries and concussion


To improve discharge communication currently provided to children presenting to the ED with mild head injuries and concussion. Specifically, adolescents who have an increased risk of post-concussion symptoms.


A mixed method, stepped co-design method to engage parents, youths and clinicians in the development of head injury discharge communication strategies.


Co-design team recruited: 2 doctors, 1 nurse, 1 nurse practitioner, 4 parents, 3 youths.

Current Status:
  • Ethics received from RCH and Western Health.
  • Co-design team recruited and training materials developed.
  • First meeting to brainstorm what needs to improve in discharge communication held in March 2022.
  • Meeting 2 (prioritisation process) and Meeting 3 to develop strategies to improve discharge communication will be held late May/early June.
  • A prototype will be developed following this meeting along with usability testing.