Project Snapshot – PARIS II Trial

Acute Hypoxaemic Respiratory Failure aged 1-4 years
(Paediatric Acute Respiratory Intervention Studies)

Recruitment stats:
  • Study commenced December 15th 2017 and study completed recruitment 27 March 2020 with recruitment of 1512 patients.
  • Data analysis complete
  • Manuscript complete (awaiting final Statistician elements) and will send to high ranked journal in April.
14 Centres participating include:


  • GCUH, Southport, Qld
  • PCH, WA
  • QCH, Brisbane, Qld
  • RCH, Melbourne, Victoria
  • Monash Health, Victoria
  • JHCH, Newcastle, NSW
  • Townsville, Qld
  • The Prince Charles Hospital, Qld
  • Caboolture Hospital, Qld
  • Ipswich Hospital, Qld
  • Redcliffe Hospital, Qld

New Zealand

  • KidzFirst, Middlemore, Auckland
  • Starship Children’s Hospital, Auckland
  • Waikato Hospital, Hamilton
Extension of the PARIS Trials continues….

1.     PARIS continues to evolve….

The PARIS trial named Remote PARIS has been underway since August 2020 and is a pilot study set in three remote and rural centres in Far North Qld: Cooktown, Weipa and Thursday Island.  The aim of this study is implementing what we have already learned with PARIS 1 and PARIS 2 pilot with the hypothesis that there will be reduced transfer rates out of these hospitals to Cairns and Townsville.

Donna Franklin is working with Weipa nurse and PhD candidate Sally West (James Cook University) on this study.  The PARIS study has grown many legs and we hope that the Remote PARIS study will be as successful as the other PARIS studies.

2.     PARIS has further evolved…..

It will now be extended to 18 centres across Northwest, Torres and Cape, Cairns and Hinterland and Townsville Hospital and Health Services in Queensland.  The hospitals are Level 2 and Level 3 sites with ~30 staff at each, and we will be putting in place a Respiratory Care Bundle with the knowledge gained from previous PARIS studies.

This study is called PARIS on Country and will commence July 2022 and run over 5 years.

This Respiratory Care Bundle is about respiratory support in various methods for infants and children presenting to emergency departments such that they can remain in the care of their local service and not require transfer out due to escalation of care that the local site cannot perform.  This study is not about nasal high flow specifically, but instead more about best care as per current new evidence for children presenting with a respiratory illness. For many of these centres the paediatric presentation and care can be a daunting experience and the Respiratory Care Bundle is aimed at assisting to relieve this concern and add knowledge and skill to the local teams. This in turn is aimed at keeping the child with their family and community on Country.