Registration for the PREDICT members meeting on 25th & 26th October is NOW OPEN via Trybooking. As previously advised, registration had to be made by 30/6/17 to be considered for a sponsored position (funding of travel and accommodation to attend). However, you must still register if you will be attending the event by your own means.
Our special guest for this meeting is Dr Terry Klassen, a clinician-scientist in Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Head of the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, University of Manitoba (U of M). Terry is a co-founder of PERC (Pediatric Emergency Research of Canada), and has a consistent record of national and international peer-reviewed funding, along with a publication records that include many articles in the highest impact medical journals. In 2009, Dr. Klassen founded PERN, Pediatric Emergency Research Networks; the umbrella group for the six pediatric emergency medicine research groups.
We hope you can join us on the Gold Coast in October.