ANZ Emergency Department Airway Registry – Steering Group EOI

PREDICT involvement in ANZ Emergency Department Airway Registry
– Expression of Interest to take part in a steering group

The PREDICT Network is developing a collaboration with the Australian and New Zealand Emergency Department Airway Registry (ANZEDAR) to capture data on paediatric intubations.  The ANZEDAR is a publicly funded, existing registry that has been capturing data on primarily adult ED intubations over the last 4 years. They are interested in capturing paediatric intubation data, and using the research experience of PREDICT to move their data collection tool online, and develop research questions from the data.

The primary purpose of our involvement with ANZEDAR is to monitor patient safety, with the aim to improve safety over time. Involvement of multiple sites will allow benchmarking of care, sharing interventions to improve care, and an embedded continuous audit process over time. Descriptive and interventional studies will likely follow.

We wish to invite interested members of PREDICT to be involved in our own steering group.  This group will work together to provide recommendations to the ANZEDAR re the paediatric dataset as well as contributing to governance for this project across the PREDICT network.

If you are interested in being involved in the steering group for this collaboration, please contact Dr Elliot Long at by Friday 19th April 2019.