COVID 19 Audit

Status: Completed

Audit of COVID-19 Infections: Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes at PREDICT Sites In a collaboration between emergency departments across the PREDICT…

Mental Health Retrospective Study

Status: Completed

The Kids are not ok: Emergency Department management of acute mental health crises in children and young people - a…

Mental Health Delphi Study

Status: Completed

The Kids are not ok: A Delphi study to identify consensus research priorities and core outcome sets in paediatric emergency…


Status: Completed

APHIRST- Gap Australian Paediatric Head Injury Rules Study: Assessing the gap prior to implementation This multicenter study has two primary…

ASTHMA Retrospective

Status: Completed

Management of acute asthma in children - a PREDICT study The primary aim of this research project is to determine…


Status: Completed

Nasal High Flow Therapy for Infants and Children with Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure – a Randomised Controlled Trial This study…

Febrile Neutropaenia – PICNICC

Status: Completed

Infection, frequently presenting as fever and neutropenia (FN), is the most common complication of the treatment of childhood cancer and the…

Severe sepsis

Status: Completed

Severe sepsis is the final common pathway for many childhood infections, with mortality rates ranging from 6-30%. Part of the…

Delphi study

Status: Completed

Delphi study: Establishing the Research Priorities of Paediatric Emergency Medicine Clinicians in Australia and New Zealand. Resources for research are limited…

Bells Palsy RCT

Status: Completed

Bells Palsy – Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trial It is unclear if children with Bell’s palsy should be treated with corticosteroids…


Status: Completed

Bronchiolitis, a viral lung disease in infants, is the most common reason worldwide for infants <1 year of age to…


Status: Completed

Research into practise: Heliox in childhood croup survey A Mater Children’s Hospital team completed a Cochrane review which showed that…

Pern bronchiolitis

Status: Completed

Pharmacotherapy Practice Patterns and Outcomes in Bronchiolitis in the Americas, Australia/New Zealand and Europe Although bronchiolitis has been a long-standing…


Status: Completed

Admitted patients with bronchiolitis at 7 Australian and New Zealand Centres: Retrospective analysis of epidemiological data The CRIB2 study is…


Status: Completed

Convulsive Status Epilepticus Paediatric Trial (CONSEPT) This study aims to determine whether intravenous (IV) levetiracetam or IV phenytoin is the…

CT for head injury

Status: Completed

This research pools data from the past 10 years from Emergency Department (ED) and Medical Imaging databases at PREDICT sites…


Status: Completed

Knowledge Translation in Australasian Paediatric Acute Care Settings: a multi-centred, cluster-randomised controlled trial comparing a tailored, theory informed Knowledge Translation…

Bells Palsy – retrospective study

Status: Completed

It is unclear if children with Bell’s palsy should be treated with corticosteroids or not and consequently guidelines are vague…


Status: Completed

Australian Paediatric Head Injury Rules Study This study aims to determine which of three existing clinical decision rules for the…

Project Status

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