New member – Jackson Newberry-Dupe

Our “Getting to Know You” segment ensures PREDICT members are aware of new members, their interests and areas of expertise and where they are located.

This month we introduce from Jackson Newberry-Dupe from Monash Health.

“My name is Jackson Newberry-Dupé and I have recently taken over the role of Research Coordinator with the Monash Emergency Research Group, covering Marietta John-White’s role as coordinator of the mental health prospective study while she is on maternity leave. I am excited to be involved in this important research and look forward to working with site coordinators to keep the project running smoothly.

My background is in Psychology and I am a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne and the Centre for Adolescent Health at Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. For my PhD topic, I am using data from the mental health retrospective study to explore profiles of young people who attend ED’s for mental health reasons, with a particular focus on changes in service use by adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic period.”

Welcome to PREDICT Jackson!


PREDICT members meeting October 31st/November 1st 2024 – REGISTRATION NOW OPEN

Registration is now open for the PREDICT members 20th anniversary meeting to be held in October/November 2024.  This is a hybrid event so both face to face and virtual attendance is offered, however we are hoping for as many members as possible to attend in person. Whilst attendance to the event is free, registration via Trybooking is required for both modes of attendance.   See draft agenda here.

PLEASE NOTE:  Registration closes on FRIDAY 11/10/24 and date cannot be extended.  Members can choose 1 or both days to attend.

DATES: Thursday 31/10/24 & Friday 1/11/24 (1 1/2 day event)

TIME: Day 1: 2.00pm – 5.30pm 
           Day 2: 9.30am – 3.30pm

VENUE: Gold Coast University Hospital, 1 Hospital Boulevard, Southport, Queensland.  See map here.
Day 1: Small Lecture Theatre, Block E, Pathology and Education Building
Day 2: Large Lecture Theatre, Block E, Pathology and Education Building


  • All attendees (virtual and face to face) must register via Trybooking and be a PREDICT member. Registration closes FRIDAY 11/10/24.
  • Please ensure you indicate dietary requirements during the booking process, regardless of whether or not you are attending the dinner, as catering will also be provided during the meeting.
  • If you wish to attend and are not a PREDICT member contact regarding membership application prior to proceeding with Trybooking.
  • PREDICT will make $10,000 available to sponsor Research Assistants to attend the PREDICT Members meeting. Deadline for applications is Friday 27/9/24.  See sponsorship criteria.  APPLY here.   
  • All accommodation and travel to be booked by the individual unless sponsorship has been secured.  This excludes PREDICT executive members who will be attending the PREDICT executive meeting the day before.
  • Suggested accommodation close to venue: Mantra at Southport Sharks. Please note that we have not negotiated a corporate rate as attendees are booking individually.

  • The PREDICT dinner will be held on 31/10/24, 7.15pm at Xenia Greek restaurant at 30 Peak Ave, Main Beach. 
  • The dinner includes a 2 course set menu with a range of meat, seafood and vegetarian options.  Drinks are available at bar prices.
  • Payment of $69 (plus 50 cent booking fee) must be made via Trybooking during the registration process.  Choose “In person + dinner option”.  Dinner must be booked and paid for prior to the event.  Under no circumstances can we take bookings on the day.   
  • Booking and payment must be received by Friday 11/10/24.


Please contact

Nominations for PREDICT executive 2025-2026 – NOW OPEN

Dear PREDICT members, 

This is a call to all PREDICT members for nominations from anyone wishing to be considered for a position on the 2025 – 2026 PREDICT Executive for one of eight positions.  Nominations will close on Friday 6th of September at 5pm.  Please get in touch if you have any questions after reading this information – link to complete a nomination here Nomination Form for PREDICT Executive .

  • Executive (1)
  • Executive (2)
  • Executive (3)
  • Executive (4)
  • Executive (5)
  • Executive (6)
  • Executive (7)
  • Executive (8)

Please note – the above roles are all the same. Once elected the executive will elect a Chair and Vice Chair from the executive members.  A Past Chair will be an ex-officio member of the Executive for a 2 year period after ceasing to be the committee Chair.

Positions on the Executive Committee are held for a 2 year term. The Chair position can be held for a maximum 4 years consecutive term.  Once a Chair has stepped down they will serve as Past Chair for 2 years.

Other appointed positions

There will also be two additional positions appointed by the Executive after a formal expression of interest (EOI). The request for an EOI and appointment of these positions will take place once the core Executive is established. These include:

  • Research Assistant representative
  • An enrolled Research Higher Degree representative

The Executive Committee also retains the right to co-opt further members from the membership or outside persons in a non-voting role to assist with its business. These individuals will have core skills related to PREDICT’s mission or hold a position that is closely aligned with the functions of the Executive Committee (for example, Chief Investigator in a Centre of Research Excellence based on PREDICTs research).

What does being on the Executive involve?

  • A role on the Executive requires active involvement in approximately monthly meetings about the network’s operations (6 x teleconferences and 2-3 x 1 day face to face meetings per year of which 3 are in Melbourne and 1 usually interstate, (expenses are paid to attend).  It also involves regular communication and response to issues as they arise on a weekly basis in relation to PREDICT policy and procedure.
  • You can nominate yourself for one position only.
  • Current incumbents can nominate themselves for another 2 year term.
  • You can nominate another person for a position but they must agree to be nominated. This will be confirmed by the Network Coordinator.
  • The decision for appointment is decided by the number of membership votes received which will occur once the nominations are finalised.

What to do:

  • If you wish to nominate yourself or someone else please click on the link below and complete the following information:
    Nomination Form for PREDICT Executive
    – Your title and name
    – Your craft group and current position held
    – The primary organisation you work with
    – The state you are based in
    – Please write a brief description (max. 80 words) of why you wish to be part of the Executive and what skills you bring.
    * This information will be used in the voting form

**Nominations must be received by COB Friday 6th of September 2024** 
All nominees will remain confidential until the voting commences.

What happens next?
Once the nomination period is complete the voting process will be organised.  Voting will open on 13th of September through to the 11th of October 2024.  Members will be emailed a personalised link allowing them to access the voting form in REDcap. Cate Wilson will be the voting returns officer. 

  • Successful candidates will be notified in mid October 2024.
  • The PREDICT Executive positions will be formally announced at the Members meeting on 1/11/2024.

Please contact Cate Wilson with any questions.

Getting to know you – meet Leah Armit

Our “Getting to Know You” segment ensures PREDICT members are aware of new members, their interests and areas of expertise and where they are located.

This month we introduce Leah Armit from Flinders Medical Centre, SA.

“I work at Flinders Medical Centre, South Australia which provides care for both adults and children. I work as a Clinical Research Nurse within the Emergency Department(ED). My role involves patient follow up and clinical data collection as well as staff education and administrative/co-ordination duties. This is newly created role within our ED and I feel privileged to work with a brilliant researcher and be involved at a foundation level to help foster a culture of research which contributes to the improvement of health and wellbeing of both adults and young people.”

Welcome to PREDICT Leah.






PREDICT members meeting 2024 – 20th Anniversary

The PREDICT members meeting for 2024 will be a hybrid event held at the Gold Coast University Hospital on Thursday 31st October and Friday 1st November and will include a dinner on the Thursday evening.  At this meeting we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the network. A zoom link will be forwarded closer to the event for those who will be joining us online.  Whilst attendance to the event is free, registration via Trybooking is required.  A link to Trybooking will be forwarded closer to the event.

Event details as follows:

DAY 1 (half day)
Date: Thursday 31/10/24
Time: 2.00pm – 5.30pm
Where: Gold Coast University Hospital, Small lecture theatre, Block E, Pathology and Education building, 1 Hospital Blvd, Southport.

DAY 2 (full day)
Date: Friday 1/11/24
Time: 9.30am-3.30pm
Where: Gold Coast University Hospital, Large lecture theatre, Block E, Pathology and Education building, 1 Hospital Blvd, Southport. 

We encourage all members to join us this year for a very special members event.

Getting to know you – Simone Hughes

Our “Getting to Know You” segment ensures PREDICT members are aware of new members, their interests and areas of expertise and where they are located.

This month we introduce Simone Hughes from the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide.

“My name is Simone Hughes and I work as a member of the research team at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide. My research journey started with APHIRST. I feel so privileged to work alongside talented and hardworking research colleagues and I am lucky to provide such high-quality care to our paediatric population in Adelaide. 

In addition to research, I have worked as a Clinical Nurse in the Emergency Department for 15 years and have a keen interest in paediatric trauma and education. 

Thank you for accepting me as a part of the PREDICT Network!”


Are you interested in undertaking a PhD to improve bronchiolitis management in regional and rural acute care settings?

We are seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from highly motivated candidates interested in pursuing a PhD within the 5-year MRFF funded ‘Regional and Rural Translation in Bronchiolitis-RART-B) project starting in January 2025. Working as part of a multidisciplinary research team, supported by the Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative (PREDICT) network), this program of research aims to improve the care of infants presenting to Australian regional and rural hospitals with bronchiolitis.

It will:
i) explore the implementation and use of a PREDICT regional and rural hospital improvement platform to improve bronchiolitis management and
ii) determine the dose of implementation support needed at these sites.

Comprised of world leading Australian and international researchers, the RART-B project will improve the uptake of evidence in relation to bronchiolitis care, build research capacity in implementation science, and facilitate knowledge translation and collaboration in regional and rural hospitals. The PhD would ideally be full-time initially with the option to becoming part-time in the latter years.

Funding:  a stipend of $38,497 per annum (2024 rate, indexed annually) for 3.5 years.

Selection criteria

•  Prior clinical training (medicine, nursing, allied health, or paramedicine)

•  Interest in improving acute care (ideally regional and rural settings)

•  Experience in research (ideally trials, health services research or quality improvement)

•  Peer reviewed publications (ideally 1st author)

•  Project management skills – capacity to engage with a range of healthcare stakeholders – organisational, time management and planning skills

•  Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills

Location: flexible, anywhere in Australia but ideally University of Melbourne.

Please email Emma Tavender for further information.  

PREDICT shines at ICEM 2024 in Taiwan

The International Conference on Emergency Medicine (ICEM) was held in Taiwan from 19-23 June and attended by a number of PREDICT members. This conference is one of the highlights of the emergency medicine calendar and always well attended by those in the emergency medicine field.  This year PREDICT was again well represented with the following oral and poster presentations:

  1. Babl FE, Ramsden V, Haskell L, O’Brien S, Wilson C, Schembri R, Middleton S, Tavender E. Sustaining improvements in the management of infants with bronchiolitis in 21 acute care settings: A PREDICT cohort study. (Oral: V Ramsden).
  2. Bourke E, Babl FE. Pharmacological management of Agitation in Children and Young people: the PEAChY-O trial. (Oral: E Bourke).
  3. Long E, Williams A, Babl FE. Prospective validation of the Phoenic sepsis score. (Oral presentation: F Babl).
  4. Ramsden T, Tavender E, Babl FE.  Understanding sustainment of evidence-based bronchiolitis management in 12 acute care settings: a PREDICT process evaluation. (Poster: V Ramsden).

Franz was also an invited speaker at the Educational Marketplace presenting “Global Research in Paediatric Emergency Medicine”.

Elyssia and Franz found time to get into the local spirit of the event in traditional dress! 

Research education sessions – next session 30th August 2024

Research education session #5 is scheduled for 30th August from 11am-12.30pm (AEDT).

Presentations will be by Amanda Williams and Kate Klein and will cover the HREC process and central filing.  

Calendar invites have been forwarded.  See timetable for further details of sessions and topics for the remainder of the year.

We hope you can join us.

PREDICT members meeting 2024 – 20th Anniversary

The PREDICT members meeting for 2024 will be a hybrid event held at the Gold Coast University Hospital on Thursday 31st October and Friday 1st November and will include a dinner on the Thursday evening.  At this meeting we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the network. A zoom link will be forwarded closer to the event for those who will be joining us online.  Whilst attendance to the event is free, registration via Trybooking is required.  A link to Trybooking will be forwarded closer to the event.

Event details as follows:

DAY 1 (half day)
Date: Thursday 31/10/24
Time: 2.00pm – 5.30pm
Where: Gold Coast University Hospital, Small lecture theatre, Block E, Pathology and Education building, 1 Hospital Blvd, Southport.

DAY 2 (full day)
Date: Friday 1/11/24
Time: 9.30am-3.30pm
Where: Gold Coast University Hospital, Large lecture theatre, Block E, Pathology and Education building, 1 Hospital Blvd, Southport. 

We encourage all members to join us this year for a very special members event.