Australian and New Zealand Prospective Sepsis Observational Study-1
Multi-centre, prospective observational study to investigate the prevalence, management, and outcomes of children with sepsis.
Setting and target:
>10 PREDICT sites in Australia and New Zealand.
Inclusion criteria:
Age <18 years, requiring hospital admission for admission for IV/IM/IO antibiotics, circulatory support (IV fluid bolus or inotrope).Children aged 6 months – 18 years, requiring hospital admission for sepsis and >1 fluid bolus.
Exclusion criteria:
Patients receiving inotrope / vasopressor for indications other than sepsis, post-operative cardiac surgical patients, post-operative solid organ transplant patients.
Ethics and consent:
Ethics approval for verbal consent for 90-day follow-up (text, email, or phone); enrol patient when meeting inclusion criteria. Consent by enrolling clinician or within 24 hours by research team.
APSOS 1 will begin recruitment in March 2021 (in conjunction with PROMPT Bolus), study duration 1 year.
Study duration:
1 year.