Nominations for RA and RHD  positions on PREDICT Executive

We are now calling for nominations for the Research Assistant and the Research Higher Degree positions for the PREDICT Executive.  These positions are usually held for 1 – 2 years and are selected by the existing Executive.

The nominations period closes on Friday 12th December 2020.

To be eligible,  you need to be an existing PREDICT member.

If you wish to nominate yourself please email with the following details:

  • Your title and name
  • Your craft group and current position held
  • Your primary organisation
  • The state you are based in
  • Attach a brief CV

Please write a brief description of why you wish to be part of the PREDICT Executive and what skills you can bring to the position.  If you are a Research Higher Degree candidate please tell us what RHD you are undertaking and describe your research area of interest and your long term goals.

Taking part in the PREDICT Executive involves:

  • Attending approximately 10 monthly meetings per year (approximately 4 face to face and 6 teleconferences if no pandemics!)
  • Previewing the executive agenda then actively participating in meetings to give an independent opinion/advice
  • Bringing issues of importance to the network, to the meeting agenda for discussion
  • Reviewing and commenting on new studies when they are presented to the Executive
  • Following up on actions deemed necessary at the meetings
  • Reviewing and commenting on issues via email/telephone in between meetings as required
  • Helping to develop and then reinforcing PREDICT research guidelines and policy with members locally
  • Maintaining confidentiality in relation to sensitive issues discussed
  • Chairing sessions at the PREDICT members meeting upon request

Please feel free to contact Cate Wilson if you have any questions or wish to discuss involvement in anyway.