The following manuscripts have been accepted for publication. Congratulations to the authors.
Lim J, Acworth J, Craig S, Borland M, Middleton P, Moore K, Shetty A, Babl FE, Lee R, Wilson C, Than M.
Where are Children Seen in Australian Emergency Departments? Implications for Research Efforts”
Emergency Medicine Australasia. November 2020.
Florin TA, Tancredi DJ, Ambroggio L, Babl FE, Dalziel SR, Eckerle M, Mintegi S, Neuman MI, Plint AC, Kuppermann N on behalf of the Pediatric Emergency Research Networks (PERN) Pneumonia Investigators.
Predicting Severe Pneumonia in the Emergency Department: A Global Study of the Pediatric Emergency Research Networks (PERN): A Study Protocol.
BMJ Open. November 2020.
Wilson C, Babl F.
Factors predictive for computed tomography use and abnormality in paediatric head injuries in Australia and New Zealand.
Emergency Medicine Australasia. November 2020.