Asthma retrospective study – nearly there, and a huge “Thank you” to everyone involved.
Recruitment stats:
- Nearly all sites have finished data entry, and we have over 14,000 entries into RedCAP.
Next steps:
- Data checking and cleaning.
- Abstract preparation with a view to PAS meeting next year.
It’s very exciting to be this close to the finish line. We are very grateful for all of the work that has gone into this at all sites. It has been a huge effort by everyone involved!
Some (very) preliminary results were presented at the PREDICT member’s meeting, however, we won’t have complete information until all of the data are checked and cleaned. Please keep an eye out for emails and data queries. It would be fantastic if they could be completed by the end of November to allow us time to prepare some abstracts for PAS.
Finally, if you have any specific research questions that you think we could use the data to answer, please contact Simon (