Early high flow nasal cannula therapy in bronchiolitis, a randomised controlled trial
Complete (currently data cleaning and analysing)
Recruitment stats
- 1470 Enrolled/randomised and consented
- 14 Met exclusion criteria
- 487 Eligible missed
- 37 Declined prospective consent
- 40 Declined deferred consent
- 20 Revoked consent
Sites who recruited
- Queensland regional/metropolitan/tertiary and northern NSW
- 139 Ipswich Hospital
- 162 GCUH
- 63 Caboolture Hospital
- 79 Nambour Hospital
- 56 Redcliffe Hospital
- 30 Redland Hospital
- 13 The Tweed Hospital
- 61 The Prince Charles Hospital
- 52 Logan Hospital
- 103 Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital
- 23 Toowoomba Hospital
- 302 KidzFirst Middlemore Hospital
- 134 RCH Melbourne
- 47 Monash Health
- 139 Starship New Zealand
- 40 Townsville Hospital
- 27 Canberra Hospital
Adverse events – 2 x pneumothoraxes’ – one Control and one High Flow arm – without any long term side effects for either child.
Currently data cleaning with all centres involved and commencement of paper writing for main paper. Obtaining all CRF’s and early warning tools to analyse enrolment and escalation parameters. Will then proceed to working on additional paper writing.
PARIS II Pilot Trial has commenced at Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital on 20th June 2016 with 108 enrolments to date. Aim is for 610 enrolments. Have been successful with Thrasher Research Funding and will look at expanding Pilot Trial to other centres.